Our Story

Our story began when a gentleman at work came along our path who was an avid read of the Bible. As he went on, he spoke about a lot of things I had never heard of that he claimed was written in the Bible. Some of his claims seemed strange. It was so strange that we thought he had just taken words out of context and he was just misreading it. I would go home and tell my family what we had talked about and they were puzzled too. So we thought we should investigate his claims. So we began to read the Bible to justify his claims and to see if it was still the right message. And we found out that he was right! We thought to ourselves how was it possible that we never knew of this information growing up in a Christian household, church every Sunday, and educated in a Christian school. We thought to ourselves, we really need to know the whole story to understand what the Bible really says.

Our wanting to know the truth inspired us so much that the only way we felt to understand was to read the whole Bible cover to cover. The first obstacle we had was the type of Bible we were reading. We struggled to read and understand the Bible we had at home. Our now good friend told us that he reads the New International Version of the Bible. We went out and got one. What a difference it made for us! We could finally understand! We also bought what they call a split Bible. It had the King James Version and the New International Version together on the same page so you can see the translation differences between the two on the same page. The King James Version is thought to be the most accurate translation of the Bible, but to us it was more difficult to read. As we read we saw only small differences in translations. So we felt that the New International Version that we liked would have the best translation to help us understand. There are many translations of the Bible to be found. So check them out. Once we found the right Bible for us, we began to read cover to cover.

What a difference! Instead of just reading the Bible, we were also learning on our own for the first time! We also prayed to God for wisdom and understanding. And we believe he began helping our understanding because we asked Jesus and the Holy Spirit for help.

As we read on we found both familiar and non-familiar information about things we were taught before. With the help of God and a new Bible, we were finally learning the truth!

Like in the beginning, Genesis 6:4 tells us the Nephilim were on Earth in those days…it made me question, who were these people and where did they come from? The Bible says they are heroes of old. Old? The Earth was just started so it seems they came from somewhere else and then came to Earth. The way it was written they were not relatives of Adam and Eve. Wow, never heard about that before.

Now that was in the Old Testament. In the New Testament, Matthew 15:8, 9 says, these people honor me with their lips but not their hearts are far from me. They worship in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men.

This one really made us question. Who are these people of honor and worship in vain? And whose teachings are not from the Bible or God but just rules put in place by man? Sadly it made us wonder if we could be included in that group of people.

At that point we really had to open our hearts and minds to what the Bible actually says, not just what we have been taught and kept reading.

Growing up in a Christian household, we went to our parents about things in the Bible. We were surprised by their answer. They really had no idea at most of what we were asking about. We found out that from their childhood that they were told not to read the Bible themselves because it would confuse them. A red flag went up for us and we wondered why a church would discourage people from reading the Bible?

As we continued to read, other red flags went up for us. Too many to ignore. This just made us want to read more. We wanted the truth! So we kept on reading until we finished it. We felt great about accomplishing the whole Bible!

Well that was just the beginning! We were inspired to keep reading and researching now that our level of understanding had increased. We then added a Bible dictionary and a concordance of the Bible along with a Hebrew and Greek dictionary to help check translations.

Our advice to you would be to read the Bible cover to cover and have a notebook with you to write down questions, bits of information, and discoveries you have made while reading. We didn’t do that at first and was sorry later. We are now re-reading our Bible and making notes as we go along.

As we read, we kept finding more and more information and truths that we had never knew. We thought to ourselves that others would really benefit, like ourselves, by reading the Bible cover to cover. That way people can read and discover on their own the truths of the Bible. We thought it was a great idea to help spread God’s real word.

So one day I decided to go do some shore fishing in the river near me. I took along with me my Bible and notebooks to study while I wasting for the fish to bite. I wondered about how to spread the message of reading the Bible cover to cover.

While I sat and waited for a fish to bite, I laughed to myself about being a fisherman and how Jesus chose some fishermen to help spread the word of God. I started to wonder how I was going to promote cover to cover reading. Maybe make a logo out of the letters c + c and make a website to inspire people to read the Bible cover to cover. All day I kept thinking how I could spread the word. I came up with some other ideas, but then got to thinking, is this really my calling to do? Well, I looked up to the sky and asked God is this what you want me to do for You? I thought to myself that when you speak for God you need to be careful because you represent God.

Well, two seconds later I turned and looked over my right shoulder. There is was, my answer, spray painted on a cement wall, 20 feet behind me were the letters CTC. Nothing but the letters CTC. My jaw dropped! But then began to grin from ear to ear. I said ok, ok God, I get it! I then thanked Him and asked for help. After some thinking I decided that a website would be a good start. Somewhere I can start to spread the message and good news of Jesus.

But I will be the first to tell you that I am a sinner (but trying) and I don’t think I am anyone special that God called me to spread the word of reading the Bible cover to cover. But what I can say is that I was actively seeking to find my answer and I got it. And that’s what you need to do. You can’t always find if you are not actively seeking. And I ask for God’s sake and yours to help promote the reading of the Bible cover to cover. We need to spread the truth! I am hoping this website will encourage others to do the same.

We hope this website has inspired you to learn what the Bible really tells us. This way no one can fool you into believing something incorrect because you have read the truth! Thank you and bless you again for stopping by and reading.