Our Goal

The goal of this website is to promote and encourage people to, at least once, read the entire Bible cover to cover. If you have read the Bible before you probably have read bits and pieces like we did at first. But to read the entire Bible cover to cover is really a different experience. It helps bring those bits and pieces together and shows us more about the true meaning those words have for us. The Bible is really an educational and historical book for Christians and those who are curious about being a Christian. Maybe you have always have had a questions about what you have been taught or is the information you have been given is really 100% true.

A good example is the story of Noah and the ark. Most of us have been taught this story by reading a children’s book version. The story told us that Noah took just two of each animal. This is not 100% true. Other stories say that Noah tried to warn people about the flood and told them to get in the ark to save their lives. This information is not true at all. It sounds good and right so people believe it. Also some of us have been told that Satan was really a fallen angel that broke away from God and fell from heaven. Is that really true? That answer requires some reading but it’s worth it to find the truth. And the truth is what you will find by reading the Bible cover to cover.

Have you ever been told you were the apple of someone’s eye? If you have been called that, it’s from the Bible (Deuteronomy 32:10). And what about the famous apple of Adam and Eve? The Bible never tells us it was an apple, only that it was fruit from a tree (Genesis 3:3).

Over the years people have weaved truth and fiction so well that it all sounds right, but it hides the truth mixed with lies. And that is just another reason we need to read cover to cover. To get the real truth, the facts not the fiction.

Jesus tells us in the New Testament that if we seek, we will find (Matthew 7:7). And what better way to seek and find than to read the entire Bible cover to cover.

The Bible is not just filled with knowledge and information, but also is an experience you need in your life. As you read, you will be surprised by how many times the Bible will actually be of help in your current life. Some say that the Bible isn’t relevant today. Well they are wrong! It really is for us right now, more than ever!

We ask of you to get others involved, your church, neighbors or clubs you belong to, to spread the word that to have the best understanding of the Bible is to read it cover to cover. Please share the things you have learned by reading. You never know that one little comment or detail may spark an interest to investigate the Bible like we did.